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Expats Nederland

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2ndhome4U is your one stop provider for expats Netherlands housing services. We operate nation wide and we distinguish ourselves by applying your lifestyle theme to your expats Netherlands housing needs. If you are an active professional, project worker or live the expat family lifestyle, it is more sensible to take your lifestyle as the basis for our expat Netherlands services instead of you adapting your lifestyle to what is offered by any housing agency.


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Expats Netherlands


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Expats Netherlands

It may seem simple, and it is! Generally the agencies select housing that is located inside the large cities, thus diminishing the opportunities to live an outdoor life or a safe playing space for the children. Our expats Netherlands services introduce you to other cities that better support your work life balance. For example when you love to ride your bike and prefer public transport for your daily travel to work our expat Netherlands plan selects the house that offers the athletic challenge and safety of hundreds of kilometers of safe bicycle lanes in the best green spaces The Netherlands has to offer. And of course close proximity to a train-or bus station to get you to work speedily and efficiently.

Our expats Netherlands plan is all about your lifestyle and how you can experience your “Good life” in The Netherlands.

[button color=“green“ link=“https://www.2ndhome4u.eu/properties-list“ target=““ text=“Find housing now“]



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